If rotor VVT-i acted in film, establish it. For this purpose combine a pin on distributive to a shaft with a groove on a rotor, put on a rotor a shaft and tighten a nut of fastening of a rotor with effort of 150 Nanometers, preliminary having greased a carving impellent oil.
- At installation of a new head of cylinders it is required to establish plugs of spark plugs and system PCV tube. Plugs of spark plugs before installation grease with fixing hermetic (for example, Three Bond 1324) and запрессуйте, having left to act on 42.4 43.4 mm over an adjusting surface of a cover of the bearing of a camshaft. Tubes PCV hammer with a hammer through a wooden lining заподлицо with an interfaced surface of a head of cylinders.
Installation of the plug of a spark plug |
- Establish valve VVT-i filter together with a lining (see №22) and tighten a stopper of the filter with effort of 45 Nanometers.
- Establish a back cover of a head of cylinders (see №23) and tighten bolts of its fastening with effort of 10 Nanometers.
- Establish valves in sequence, return sequence of their removal.
Маслоотражательные caps of inlet valves have brown colour, and final - grey. |
- Establish pushers of valves and adjusting washers. Make sure that pushers smoothly rotate by hand in the landing nests.
- Establish on the block of cylinders two linings of heads of cylinders according to well-aimed on linings (L – left, R – right). Establish heads of cylinders.
- Consistently in an order, the return specified in illustrations, tighten on 8 bolts of fastening of each head of cylinders (with 12-faced heads) with effort of 54 Nanometers then hold on them in the same sequence on a corner 90 hailstones.
Before a tightening of bolts grease their carving and the bottom part of heads with a thin layer of impellent oil. |
- Tighten bolts of fastening of heads of cylinders with heads under прутковый a key with effort of 18 Nanometers.
Before a tightening of bolts grease their carving and the bottom part of heads with a thin layer of impellent oil. |
- Put on final camshafts a spring of an additional gear wheel, a gear wheel and a wavy washer then fix their spring lock ring (№№ 14-17).
- Turning an additional gear wheel clockwise by means of the special adaptation, combine apertures in the main and additional gear wheels and temporarily screw in them an auxiliary bolt. Level teeths of the main and additional gear wheels and tighten a bolt.
Grease necks of final camshafts with fresh impellent oil and lay them in a head of cylinders, having developed adjusting labels on a corner 90 hailstones. Upwards from a head plane.
Grease with universal greasing sealing edges of a new forward epiploon and establish it on a camshaft.
Clear covers of bearings of №1 camshafts from old прокладочного a material and put new hermetic (№ 08826-0080 under catalogue Toyota/Lexus).
- Establish covers of bearings of final camshafts on their former places and with former orientation.
Labels of type E1 on covers of bearings designate number of the bearing of a final shaft, reading from drive ГРМ. The arrow near to a label specifies aside ГРМ. Grease with a thin layer of impellent oil a carving and the bottom part of heads of bolts of fastening of covers of bearings and in regular intervals tighten bolts with effort of 16 Nanometers. |
Grease necks of inlet camshafts with fresh impellent oil, combine adjusting labels on leading and conducted gear wheels and lay inlet camshafts in a head of cylinders.
- Establish covers of bearings of inlet camshafts on their former places and with former orientation.
Labels of type I1 on covers of bearings designate number of the bearing of an inlet shaft, reading from drive ГРМ. The arrow near to a label specifies aside ГРМ. Grease with a thin layer of impellent oil a carving and the bottom part of heads of bolts of fastening of covers of bearings and in regular intervals, in stages, tighten bolts with effort of 16 Nanometers. |
- Turn out an auxiliary bolt from gear wheels of a final camshaft.
- Check up and if necessary adjust клапанный a backlash (the Section Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes see).
Establish segment stoppers (№24), preliminary having cleared them from an old sealing material and having put new (№ 08826-0080 under catalogue Toyota/Lexus).
- Put hermetic (№ 08826-0080 under catalogue Toyota/Lexus) on covers of heads of cylinders. Lay on heads of cylinders of a lining and establish covers of heads of cylinders, having tightened their bolts in regular intervals and in stages with effort of 8 Nanometers.
- Establish following components, tightening their fixture with demanded efforts:
- Final collector of the right number of cylinders and its rack;
- Pump GUR arm;
- Щуп level of impellent oil together with its directing;
- Final collector of the left number of cylinders and its rack;
- The Katalitichesky converter;
- Submitting tube of system of cooling;
- Back plate of a head of cylinders;
- Protection of electroconducting of the engine;
- Valves VVT-i;
- Gauges CKP.
Use new sealing rings directing щупа level of impellent oil and a submitting tube of system of cooling. |
Examine a lining of a cover №3 belts of drive ГРМ. If integrity of a lining is broken, replace it, preliminary having removed all traces of an old lining and having cleared a cover surface. Remove from a new lining a protective film or a paper, establish a lining exactly on a contour, and strongly press a lining to a cover. Make sure, that the lining has stuck to a cover.
- Establish a cover №3 belts of drive ГРМ and tighten 6 bolts of its fastening with effort of 8.5 Nanometers.
- Establish a roller №2 belts of drive ГРМ, cogwheels of camshafts and a belt of drive ГРМ (see Has undressed Removal, check and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ him натяжителя, a pulley and a cogwheel of a cranked shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers).
- Establish spark plugs and ignition coils (the Section Check and replacement of spark plugs see).
- Establish two new linings of a water waste branch pipe (№29), connect to it перепускной a hose, tighten fixture of a branch pipe with effort of 15 Nanometers and connect to a branch pipe gauge ECT electroconducting, the plug of the tyre of grounding and a radiator hose.
- Establish the inlet pipeline, fuel distributive highways and injectors then in regular intervals tighten 9 bolts and 2 nuts of fastening of the inlet pipeline with effort of 15 Nanometers.
- Connect a fuel submitting hose to a tube and a heater hose to the inlet pipeline.
- Make sure of that the fixture of a water waste branch pipe will be tightened with effort by of 15 Nanometers.
- Establish assemblage воздухораспределителя. All fixture tighten with demanded efforts. Use a new lining воздухораспределителя.
- Establish the described components.
- Fill cooling system, start the engine and check up it on leaks. Spend a trial trip in which course check up make sure of absence of extraneous noise and pushes. Make sure of correctness of a gear change and smoothness of a course of the car.
- Check up level ОЖ and if necessary modify it (the Section Replacement of a cooling liquid (ОЖ see)).