LEXUS RX 3001998-2003 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Лексус RX 300 + Cars Lexus RX-300 - Controls and operation receptions + Access, protection + Elements of systems of safety - The car equipment, arrangement of devices and controls The panel of devices and the central console Комбиниция devices, measuring instruments, control lamps and indicators Controls and the salon equipment + Devices of maintenance of comfort + Receptions of operation and auxiliary systems + Options and car routine maintenance + The engine + Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + Systems of an electric equipment of the engine + Automatic transmission and interaxal differential + Трансмиссионная a line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Basic schemes of electric connections |
Controls and the salon equipment Switches and the controls located on a steering column Left подрулевой the switch Switching of operating modes of external lighting devices
Switching of modes of headlights and lay light, and also deenergizing of headlights is made by means of handle rotation on the switch end:
Sites of the gauge of light exposure (a kind outside through a windscreen)
Right подрулевой the switch
Right подрулевой the switch is intended for management of cleaners and washers of the glasses which functioning is possible only at the included ignition. Right подрулевой the switch
Controls functioning темпостата
Темпостат it is intended for maintenance of constant speed of the car (not below 40 km/h) needlessly to hold a foot on a gas pedal. The switch of management of functioning темпостата settles down on a steering wheel on the right (the Arrangement and appointment of switches of management as position of forward seats see an illustration).
The horn switch The button of inclusion of a horn is built in in ступичную a steering wheel part. Clamp of a corner of an inclination of a steering column The steering column should be adjusted so that the steering wheel was opposite to a thorax of the driver. Position at which the steering wheel is opposite to the person of the driver, is wrong as reduces protective functions of a forward pillow of safety of the driver.
The controls located under a combination of devices Controls under a combination of devices are located at the left and to the right of a steering column. To the right of a steering column the switch of ignition and steering wheel blocking settles down; at the left the switch of adjustment of external rear-view mirrors, a regulator of intensity of illumination of devices, the indicator of anticreeping system and the control panel are placed by memory of options of position of a driver's seat (the Scheme of an arrangement of elements of management see the panel of devices an illustration). The indicator of anticreeping system and the control panel are considered by memory of options of position of a driver's seat above (Sections Anticreeping system and Adjustment of seats and headrests see accordingly); functioning of a regulator of intensity of illumination of devices clearly from its name, only the switch of ignition and a regulator of external rear-view mirrors therefore are more low described. The switch of ignition and steering wheel blocking
The switch of ignition and steering wheel blocking The ignition switch (the ignition lock) is located to the right of a steering column and has following four positions: LOCK — the Given position of the switch of ignition is used for blocking of a steering wheel and ignition key extraction. To turn the ignition key in position LOCK, translate the sector lever in position P, press on a key in position ACC and turn on itself (counter-clockwise).
ACC — In the given position the steering wheel is unblocked and the car electric equipment can be used.
ON — Normal position of the ignition key after engine start. Before engine start at key turn in the given position it is necessary to check up short-term operation of the control lamps which have been built in a combination of devices.
START — It is used for engine start. At ignition key keeping in the given position the starter will scroll the engine. After отпускания the key comes back in position ON.
Regulator of external rear-view mirrors The regulator of external rear-view mirrors allows to change position of external mirrors and works at positions ACC and ON the ignition key. For switching between adjustment of the right or left mirror move the lever located over the switch, accordingly aside, designated R or L. For change of position of a mirror press the arrows of a corresponding direction put on a 4-item regulator.
Controls and the salon equipment on the central console On the central console of the car there is the greatest number of bodies of its management and the salon equipment. It is possible to carry the switches located on forward section of the console, and also the lever of the selector of modes АТ to controls. The description only switches is more low resulted, - the description of an audiosystem and systems of heating and К/В is resulted in Devices of maintenance of comfort; the description of the lever of the selector is resulted in Receptions of operation and auxiliary systems. The multipurpose display, ware boxes, coasters, an ashtray concern the salon equipment, прикуриватель and nests of selection of capacity. The alarm system switch The alarm system switch (the Scheme of an arrangement of elements of management on the panel of devices see №5 an illustration) is located at the left on the central console and (triangle) is designated by a sign on the alarm system. The switch works in any position of the lock of ignition. For alarm system inclusion press the switch button; for deenergizing – press the button once again. The switch of heating of glass of a door of a back The switch of heating of glass of a door of a back and external rear-view mirrors (Controls and the control of systems of heating see № 12 an illustration and К/В) is located on the control panel by a heater and К/В the block of management of a heater and К/В. The heater is intended for condensate and hoarfrost removal. If at a window the thick snow layer was formed before to include heating, clear snow. Inclusion and heater deenergizing is made by pressing the specified switch. For inclusion of a heater the ignition key should be in position ON. At heating inclusion works corresponding К/Л, located over the switch. The heater is automatically switched off after 15 minutes of work, and also at ignition deenergizing.
Switches of heating of seats Switches (the Scheme of an arrangement of elements of management on the panel of devices see №11 an illustration) heating of seats are intended for inclusion and deenergizing of heating of a seat of the driver (the left switch) and the forward passenger (the right switch). For inclusion of a heater the ignition key should be in position ON. At heating inclusion works К/Л, built in the switch. The switch of modes АТ The switch of modes АТ (the Scheme of an arrangement of elements of management on the panel of devices see №13 an illustration) has three positions which appointment is resulted more low: PWR — This mode is used for sports style of driving at which fast acceleration is required. АТ it is switched to raising transfers at higher speed of the car. ECT is The normal operating mode АТ recommended for usual driving. SNOW — This mode is intended for трогания from a place in sand or a dirt, in snow or on ice. АТ starts to work with 2nd transfer.
Прикуриватель and an ashtray
The ashtray is located in a forward part of the console between seats. For using an ashtray press its cover. To take an ashtray, pull it upwards. Nests of selection of capacity
Ware box in the console between seats The ware box located in the console between seats has two branches, opening independently from each other. For opening pull for the handle forward. Access to a ware box
The multipurpose display The multipurpose display (the Scheme of an arrangement of elements of management on the panel of devices see №7 an illustration) is intended for display of the information of a various sort. The description of work of the display in only mode of display of time, temperature and data темпостата is more low resulted. Modes of display of data К/В and audiosystems are described in corresponding sections of the Device of maintenance of comfort. The external temperature — Is displayed constantly at the included ignition under an inscription OUTSIDE TEMP on the display. The measurement range makes from-30 to +50 hailstones. Time — Is displayed, when the ignition key is in position ACC or ON. 4 modes of display of time are provided, switching between which is made by means of button "CLOCK" pressing. Modes of display of time
For time installation choose a corresponding mode (3), enter current value of hours and minutes, operating with the buttons located under inscriptions accordingly H and M in the bottom part of the display, and in summary press button "CLOCK". For time installation on a signal broadcasted, expose minute in value 00 and press button "CLOCK" during reception of a signal of time. For alarm clock installation choose a corresponding mode (4), enter current value of hours and minutes, operating with the buttons located under inscriptions accordingly H and M, in the bottom part of the display, and in summary press the button under a bell symbol on the display, - about hours the bell symbol should light up. The alarm clock works every day during established time. For a stop of a signal of an alarm clock press button "CLOCK". For alarm clock cancellation press the button under a bell symbol on the display in a mode of installation of time of an alarm clock. Data темпостата — Are displayed at activated темпостате under an inscription CRUISE INFORMATION. Display of the given four types is provided, switching between which is made by means of button "INFO" pressing. The mode chosen before deenergizing of ignition, gets out at the subsequent activation темпостата. Modes of display of given темпостата
The mode of display of time of movement is accompanied by the signature E/T. The mode of display of average speed of movement is accompanied by inscriptions AVG MPH or AVG km/h; the information is updated each 10 seconds. Average speed pays off proceeding from the passed distance and time from the moment of engine start; for dump of counters keep button "INFO" within more than 1 second. The mode of display of the average expense of fuel is accompanied by inscriptions AVG MPG or AVG L/100km; the information is updated each 10 seconds. The average expense of fuel pays off proceeding from the passed distance and quantity of the spent fuel from the moment of engine start; for dump of counters keep button "INFO" within more than 1 second. The mode of display of the current expense of fuel is accompanied by inscriptions MPG or L/100km; the information is updated each 2 seconds. The current expense of fuel pays off proceeding from the passed distance and quantity of the spent fuel for 2 seconds. Controls and the equipment of salon located on a ceiling Противосолнечные peaks and cosmetic mirrors For use противосолнечного a peak lower it, if necessary turn sideways, having liberated from a clamp, or put forward extending заслонку. Internal rear-view mirror Before a trip it is necessary to adjust an internal rear-view mirror, turning it so that in its centre the centre of a window of a door of a back was visible. Thus the mirror should be in a day mode.
On the models equipped with a rear-view mirror with possibility of automatic brightness control, for switching between day and automatic modes the button located on its forward panel serves. At inclusion of a night mode brightness of light of headlights of cars, moving behind, will be less, than in a day mode, however at the same time image sharpness decreases also.
Салонные fixtures
Appointment of position of the switch the following: OFF — the Fixture remains included even in case of door opening; DOOR — At opening of any door the fixture will join, and at closing – to be switched off approximately in 15 seconds (at the switched off ignition); ON — the Fixture is included constantly irrespective of, doors are opened or closed. The fixture will be switched off automatically, if:
The fixture for reading and a ware box in the ceiling console The fixture for reading is located on the ceiling console in a forward part of salon and copes the switch located to the right of it (on models without the roof hatch - at the left). The switch of the fixture for reading and a cover of a ware box
The ware box in the ceiling console is intended for storage of subjects in gross weight no more than 60 гр.
The switches located on doors
Management switches are built in all doors стеклоподъёмником, and in a driver's door the main block management стеклоподъёмниками with which help it is possible to operate windows of all doors is established. For functioning стеклоподъёмников with the electric drive it is necessary, that ignition has been included. The driver's block of management стеклоподъёмниками
Стеклоподъёмники has the function preventing a jamming of subjects, being on a glass way at its closing – glass after sensation of an obstacle will start to fall. Nevertheless, do not put out a head and hands in a window since function of prevention of a jamming can not work, or not have time to work before trauma reception. For window opening pull upwards a forward part of the corresponding switch on half of its course. For window closing press a forward part of the switch on half of its course. At full procrastination/pressing of the switch glass podnimetsja/will fall completely. For a stop of moving of glass slightly influence the switch in a direction, the return to a glass course, and release the switch. Besides four switches of opening and closing of windows, in the block of a driver's door the blocking switch стеклоподъёмников passenger doors is established. At the included blocking it is possible to operate only стеклоподъёмниками a driver's door. The indicators which have been built in switches стеклоподъёмников inform the driver on possibility of opening/closing of a window of a corresponding door. Ware boxes Unlocking and lock-out of a ware box opposite to a place of the forward passenger