Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
- The engine
The general information and preparatory operations
Check компрессионного pressure
Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gauge
Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ)
Check of a corner of an advancing of ignition
Removal, check and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ it натяжителя, a pulley and a cogwheel of a cranked shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers
Removal, dismantling, check, assemblage and installation of a head of cylinders and its components
Removal and engine installation, check of support
The block of cylinders
Check Д/В of pressure of impellent oil
Removal, dismantling, check, assemblage and installation of the oil pump and the pallet картера
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections
Removal, check and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ it натяжителя, a pulley and a cogwheel of a cranked shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers Removal
The components which are subject to removal for access to drive ГРМ
- Remove обтекатель a windscreen and top распорку an impellent compartment (9) (the Body see the Head).
- Remove a forward right wheel and a protective casing of a wing (1).
- Remove a belt of a drive of the generator and a belt of a drive of pump GUR (2 and 3) (the Section Check of a condition and replacement of belts of a drive of auxiliary units see).
- Remove the activator темпостата (4).
- Separate sockets of grounding (6).
- Remove draught and the right arm of №2 fastenings of the engine (7 and 8).
Turn out шарнирный a bolt and a nut then remove an arm of fastening of the generator.
Keeping a pulley of a cranked shaft from проворачивания by means of the special adaptation, turn out the central bolt of fastening of a pulley and remove it
Drive ГРМ and accompanying components
- Turn out 4 bolts and remove a cover №1 belts of drive ГРМ (6).
- Remove directing a belt of drive ГРМ (5).
- Wring out clamps of a protector of a plait of electroconducting of the engine from a cover №3 belts of drive ГРМ, turn out 5 bolts and remove a cover №2 belts of drive ГРМ.
- Turn out 2 bolts and remove the right basic arm of the engine.
Result the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ. For this purpose temporarily screw a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft and, turning for it a shaft clockwise, combine an aperture on a cogwheel of a shaft with dredging on the case of the oil pump.
Make sure, that it is reached ВМТ the end of a step of compression – labels on cogwheels of camshafts and on a cover №3 belts of drive ГРМ should coincide. If it has not occurred turn a cranked shaft on one full turn.
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft.
- If the belt of drive ГРМ is supposed to be used repeatedly, before its removal it is necessary to make sure, that 3 adjusting labels and a forward label are put on it. If these labels are erased, put them anew.
The scheme of a lining and label on a belt of drive ГРМ
- Serially turn out two bolts of fastening натяжителя a belt of drive ГРМ and remove it together with пыльником (16 and 18).
- Remove a belt from cogwheels.
- Keeping cogwheels of camshafts from проворачивания by means of special adaptations, turn out the central bolts of their fastening and remove cogwheels (11 and 13).
Remember an arrangement of cogwheels or mark them that then to establish each cogwheel on a corresponding shaft. |
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of the top intermediate roller (12) and remove it.
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of the bottom intermediate roller and remove it together with тарельчатой a washer (14 and 15).
- Remove keeping plate of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft (19) and by means of the special adaptation remove a cogwheel, trying not to damage a gear wreath of rotor CKP located in a back part of a cogwheel.
Do not suppose перегибания and перекручивания, a belt of drive ГРМ, and also hit on it some oil, ОЖ and fuel. Do not use натяжитель a belt for fixing cranked or a camshaft from проворачивания at a tightening of bolts of fastening of cogwheels. Do not suppose проворачивания shaft at the removed belt of drive ГРМ more than on some degrees for combination of teeths. |
Check up a condition of belt ГРМ removed from the engine. Full or partial loss of teeths can lead to jamming of camshafts.
- At revealing of cracks or signs of appreciable deterioration of lateral aspect of a belt check up working surfaces of intermediate rollers and a roller of the water pump on presence задиров and agnails.
- If unilateral deterioration of a belt takes place, check up a condition of a directing plate and track correctness of combination of cogwheels and intermediate rollers.
- Belt replacement should be made according to the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see the Head of Adjustment and car routine maintenance). The belt being in a doubtful condition is subject to replacement without fail. Before installation of a new belt try to reveal and liquidate all reasons which have led to premature failure of the old.
It is recommended to make replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ each time after its removal. |
- Remove intermediate rollers and manually check up ease and smoothness of rotation of their bearings. Make sure of absence excessive люфта. If necessary replace rollers.
- Visually check up consolidation of rollers and натяжителя on presence of leaks of oil. If necessary replace rollers or натяжитель.
Consolidations of an intermediate roller
Consolidations натяжителя
Presence of a thin trace of oil on an internal edge of consolidation is supposed. |
- Keeping натяжитель both hands in horizontal position, rest a pusher against a firm surface and press on натяжитель – the pusher should not move. If a pusher утапливается, replace натяжитель.
Do not hold натяжитель a press pusher downwards. |
- Measure size of a ledge of a pusher from the case натяжителя a belt of drive ГРМ. If the received value does not lay in the range of 10.0 10.8 mm, replace натяжитель.
- Clear arrangements of drive ГРМ of a surface being in area of a dirt and oil. Wipe acetone cogwheels and do not spoil them in an installation time.
- Correctly having developed a cogwheel rather шпонки, plant it on a pin of a cranked shaft rotor CKP to the engine. Try not to damage a gear wreath of rotor CKP. Make sure of correctness of combination of labels ВМТ on a wheel and the case of the oil pump, then establish keeping plate of a cogwheel and tighten a bolt of its fastening with effort of 8 Nanometers.
- Establish intermediate rollers and tighten bolts of their fastening with demanded efforts.
At installation of an intermediate roller grease a carving part of a bolt of its fastening with fixing hermetic Loctite 242, and also do not forget to establish тарельчатую a washer. After installation of intermediate rollers check up smoothness of their rotation. |
- Correctly having developed cogwheels rather шпонок, plant them on pins of camshafts according to the labels put at removal. Tighten bolts of fastening of cogwheels of camshafts with demanded efforts, keeping pulleys from проворачивания by means of the special adaptation.
- Make sure, that cogwheels cranked and camshafts are in the positions corresponding ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder in the end of a step of compression.
- Establish a belt of drive ГРМ so that labels on it have coincided with reciprocal labels.
- Drown a pusher in the case натяжителя with force 981 9807 Н (100 1000 кгс) and fix it in this position, having passed, for example, прутковый шестигранный a key of 1.27 mm through apertures in the case натяжителя and in a pusher. Establish пыльник натяжителя.
- Establish натяжитель and tighten bolts of its fastening at first by hand, and then it is consecutive, with effort of 27 Nanometers. Take out прутковый a key, having released a pusher.
- Turn a cranked shaft on two full turns and make sure, that the piston of the first cylinder is in the end of a step of compression.
- Establish the right basic arm of the engine and tighten a bolt of its fastening with effort of 28 Nanometers.
Examine a lining of a cover №2 belts of drive ГРМ. If integrity of a lining is broken, replace it, preliminary having removed all traces of an old lining and having cleared a cover surface. Remove from a new lining a protective film or a paper, establish a lining exactly on the contour of a cover designated, and strongly press a lining to a cover. Make sure, that the lining has stuck to a cover.
- Establish a cover №2 belts of drive ГРМ and tighten 5 bolts of its fastening with effort of 8.5 Nanometers.
- Establish a protector of a plait of electroconducting of the engine on a cover №3 belts of drive ГРМ.
- Establish directing a belt of drive ГРМ чашевидной the party outside.
Examine a lining of a cover №1 belts of drive ГРМ. If integrity of a lining is broken, replace it to similarly lining of a cover №2.
In places of joining of a lining should not remain a backlash. |
- Establish a cover №1 belts of drive ГРМ and tighten 5 bolts of its fastening with effort of 8.5 Nanometers.
- Correctly having developed a pulley of a cranked shaft rather шпонки, plant it on a shaft pin. Keeping a cranked shaft from проворачивания by means of the special adaptation, tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley with effort of 215 Nanometers.
- Establish an arm of №2 fastenings of the generator and tighten a nut of its fastening with effort of 28 Nanometers. A bolt tighten after installation of a belt of a drive of the generator.
- Establish in return sequence of the part which description of removal is resulted above.
- Make a trial trip, to which time make sure of absence of unusual noise, pushes and delays. Make sure also of correctness of a gear change and smoothness of a course of the car.