Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
- The power supply system
The general data and security measures
Сбрасывание pressure in fuel system
Principle of functioning of a control system of fuel injection
Checks of system of injection
Removal and installation of the fuel pump, the gauge of a stock of fuel and regulator of pressure of fuel
Removal and installation of fuel distributive highways and injectors
Removal and installation of a fuel tank and fuel lines
Removal and air cleaner installation
Removal, installation and adjustment of the case of a throttle and gauge TPS
Removal and installation of components of system ACIS
+ Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections
Checks of system of injection The general checks
- Check up a condition of the storage battery (Heads of Adjustment and routine maintenance of the car and System of an electric equipment of the engine see) and a condition of all safety locks (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).
- Separate and again join all sockets of corresponding electronic systems. Check up reliability of fixing of sockets and cables in an impellent compartment.
- Check up reliability of fastening of all connections of weight.
- Check up tightness of hoses and pipelines, and also their connections, special attention giving to revealing of cracks. Replace defective components, tighten ослабшие штуцерные sockets.
Check of injectors
Infringement of tightness of valves of fuel injectors is interfaced to difficulties at start of the hot engine. Damage of injectors can be the reason of occurrence of a detonation when the engine continues to work at the switched off ignition. |
- Start the engine on single turns.
- By means of a stethoscope make sure of serviceability of functioning of each separate injector, - presence of clicks specifies in serviceability of opening and closing of valves.
At absence near at hand a stethoscope check can be made to the touch - a finger or by means of a screw-driver. |
- At revealing of unusual sounds, no less than at full absence of those it is necessary to make sure of serviceability of giving on injectors of pressure of a food, to measure electric resistance of injectors and integrity of their sealing rings.
- Disconnect electroconducting from an injector and check up it on leaks – for 12 minutes from it should flow out no more than one drop of gasoline.
Check of the fuel pump
- For check of serviceability of functioning of the fuel pump separate a socket of its electroconducting and submit on it pressure of the battery. Thus there should be a pressure in топливоподающей to a tube (from the fuel pump), and also the sound of current gasoline should be heard. Otherwise check up safety locks AM2 (30) and IGN (5), main relay EFI, the fuel pump and power supply system electroconducting.
- Disconnect a negative wire from the storage battery, establish between a manometre in connection топливоподающей tubes and connect a negative wire to the battery. Submit pressure on contacts of a socket of the fuel pump, take readings of a manometre and compare them to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases. If pressure is overestimated, replace a regulator of pressure of fuel; if pressure is underestimated, check up a condition of fuel hoses and their connections, the fuel filter and a regulator of pressure of fuel.
- Spend the previous check at the engine started on single turns. Pressure should not change. Muffle the engine and make sure, that pressure is kept in fuel system within 5 minutes after engine deenergizing not less than 1.45 атм. Otherwise check up the fuel pump, a regulator of pressure of fuel and injectors.
- Having separated a socket of the fuel pump, measure resistance between its contacts 4 and 5 and compare result to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases. If necessary replace the fuel pump.
Gauge MAF check
Join a socket, include ignition and connect the voltmeter to contacts VG (+) and E2G (-) a socket. Make sure of change of indications of the voltmeter at change of an air stream through the gauge. Otherwise replace the gauge.
Check of the case of a throttle and gauge TPS
Make described below check after removal of the case of a throttle or valve IAC. |
Valve IAC check
Valve IAC fastens to the throttle case from below four screws; at valve removal replace its lining. |
Components of assemblage of the case of a throttle
- Warm up the engine to working temperature, check up idling turns (Х/Х), establish transmission in neutral position and switch off К/В.
Перемкните contacts E1 and Tc socket DLC №1. Make sure that after deduction of speed of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine about 1000 rpm within 5 seconds turns Х/Х are again established. If necessary check up valve IAC, electroconducting and ECM. Remove a crosspiece from socket DLC №1.
- Execute checks and muffle the engine.
- Disconnect a hose подмешивания air from an air tube and block an exit of valve IAC and an input in a tube. Start the engine and make sure, that it works on 500 rpm either less, or in general глохнет. Otherwise check up on leaks of connection of hoses подмешивания air, a tube and injectors.
Make sure, that throttle заслонка it is opened half, join a socket of electroconducting of valve IAC and include ignition. Make sure that the valve for 0.5 seconds moves as it should be from position completely closed заслонки to position completely opened заслонки, and then in position half opened заслонки. At negative results of check replace valve IAC.
Valve VVT-i check
- Separate a socket of the valve and measure resistance between valve contacts. Compare the received result with requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and if necessary replace the valve.
Connect a wire +12 In to contact of 1 valve, and a weight wire – to contact 2. Thus the valve should move in a direction specified by a continuous arrow. At removal of pressure the valve should move in position of a dotted arrow.
Check of components of system ACIS
Components of installation VSV of systems ACIS and EVAP
- Check up system ACIS valve. For this purpose by means of a splitter establish the vacuum gauge on a vacuum hose of the activator of system ACIS and start the engine on single turns – the arrow of a manometre should not move. At sharp squeezing of a pedal of gas in a vacuum hose there should be a depression 0.26 атм (the activator rod should be extended). The valve should be extended and at compulsory creation of the specified depression in a vacuum hose and should not after that to come back in a starting position within not less minute.
Check up the vacuum tank located under a support of the battery: air should pass from union B in union A, but not on the contrary. After this check stop up union B with a finger and create in union A depression 0.26 атм – it should not fall within not less minute.
- Remove assemblage of valves, disconnect from checked VSV two hoses, turn out the screw and remove VSV.
- Check up VSV on rupture in a chain, having measured resistance between contacts of socket VSV (between them there should be a conductivity). Compare the received result to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases. Then make sure of absence of conductivity between each of contacts VSV and its case. If necessary replace VSV.
Make sure of that air passes from union E to the filter. Then submit pressure of the battery on contacts VSV and make sure, that air passes from union E to union F. If necessary replace VSV
Check of the relay of the power supply system
- Take the checked relay (main relay EFI, the relay of heating of gauge A/F or the relay of rupture of a chain) from the corresponding assembly block (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).
By means of an ohmmeter make sure available conductivity between contacts 1 and 2 relays, and also of absence of conductivity between contacts 3 and 5. Put pressure of the battery to contacts 1 (+) and 2 (-) and make sure available conductivity between contacts 3 and 5 relays. If checks have yielded unsatisfactory results, replace faulty relays.
Check VSV of system EVAP
- Execute checks.
Make sure of that air hardly passes from union E to union F. Then submit pressure of the battery on contacts VSV and make sure, that air passes from union E to union F. If necessary replace VSV.
Check VSV of the valve of the closed tank (CCV)
Components of installation VSV of valve CCV
- Separate sockets of electroconducting of gauge MAF and VSV valve CCV, and also its vacuum hose.
- Turn out two screws and remove VSV valve CCV with a sealing ring.
- Measure resistance between contacts of socket VSV and compare it to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases, make sure of absence of conductivity between contacts VSV and its case. If necessary replace VSV.
- Make sure of that air passes from union A to union B, then submit pressure of the battery on contacts VSV and make sure, that air does not pass from union A to union B. If necessary replace VSV.
Check VSV of the valve of a purge of an adsorber
Components of installation VSV of the valve of a purge of an adsorber
- Separate a socket and two hoses and remove VSV from a coal adsorber.
- Inspect.
Make sure of that air does not pass from union E to union F, then submit pressure of the battery on contacts VSV and make sure, that air passes from union E to necessity A.Pri's union replace VSV.
Gauge ECT check
Empty cooling system (the Section Replacement of a cooling liquid (ОЖ see)), separate a socket of gauge ECT of a control system of the engine and turn out the gauge a deep face key.
Measure resistance between contacts of the gauge and compare results to the reference diagramme. If necessary replace the gauge together with its lining.
Check of the gauge of pressure of fuel evaporations
Site of the gauge of fuel evaporations
- Remove assemblage of a fuel tank, section №3 of its protection and remove the gauge of fuel evaporations.
- Include ignition and measure pressure between extreme contacts (VC and E2) a socket on electroconducting of the gauge of fuel evaporations – it should make 4.55.5 Century
Join a socket of electroconducting of the gauge of fuel evaporations, connect the voltmeter to contacts E2 (-) and PTNK (+) and include ignition. Compare voltmeter indications at various values of pressure in the gauge to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases.
- If listed above check have yielded unsatisfactory results, replace the gauge.
Check of gauges of a detonation
Check of gauges A/F and ljambda-probe 2 numbers of cylinders 1
Remove a driver's seat and a floor covering (the Body see) then separate a socket of electroconducting of a ljambda-probe 2 numbers of cylinders 1 and measure resistance between contacts +B and HT. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications of the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and if necessary replace a ljambda-probe.