1998-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
- Трансмиссионная a line
   The general information
   Removal and installation карданного a shaft
   Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of forward power shafts
   Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of back power shafts
   Replacement of a forward epiploon of back differential
   Replacement of lateral epiploons of back differential
   Removal and installation of the case of back differential, differential dismantling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections


Removal and installation of the case of back differential, differential dismantling

Components of installation of back differential

1 — Демпфер
2 — the Back stretcher
3 — the Power shaft

4 — the Holder
5 — Back differential
6 — the Back cross-section beam
7 — Карданный a shaft

Components of assemblage of back differential

1 — Planetary differential
2 — Differential of the limited sliding
3 — the Persistent washer
4 — the Lock pin
5 — the Axis of satellites
6 — the Lateral gear wheel
7 — the Satellite
8 — the Washer
9 — the Lateral bearing
10 — the Conducted gear wheel
11 — a differential Box
12 — the Lock plate
13 — the Stopper сапуна
14 — Маслоотражатель
15 — a bearing Cover

16 — the Lock ring
17 — the differential Case
18 — the Lining
19 — the Casing of the holder of differential
20 — the Epiploon
21 — the Leading gear wheel
22 — the Back bearing
23 — the Lateral drive
24 — Пыльник
25 — the Stopper of a jellied aperture
26 — the Cover of a casing of the holder of differential
27 — the Connecting flange
28 — Маслоотражатель
29 — the Forward bearing
30 — the bearing Prorate
31 — the Drain stopper


  1. Remove карданный a shaft and power shafts, preliminary reliably having propped up them (Sections Removal and installation карданного a shaft and Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of back power shafts see).
  2. Lower not enough differential.
  3. Remove the central and back sections of an exhaust pipe.
  1. Prop up differential a jack, give 3 fixing bolts and remove демпфер.
  1. Ослабьте 2 bolts also prop up a back stretcher.
  1. Give 4 nuts and 2 bolts, remove 2 holders from a back stretcher.
  2. Lower differential together with a back stretcher.
  3. Completely turn out 5 released bolts, 2 nuts and remove differential.
  4. Turn out two bolts, nuts and remove a back cross-section beam from differential.
  5. It is recommended to charge differential dismantling to the expert having corresponding skills and experience. Data for check and assemblage of back differential are resulted in Specifications of Head Transmissionnaja a line.
  6. The box of differential with the limited sliding is not subject to dismantling.
  7. Installation is made upside-down. Tighten connections with demanded efforts.