Лексус RX 300
+ Cars Lexus RX-300
+ Controls and operation receptions
- Options and car routine maintenance
The general information
The general data on options and adjustments
The routine maintenance schedule
Check of levels of liquids, the control of leaks
Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating, rotation of wheels
Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
The general checks of brake system
Check and replacement салонного the filter of a heater and К/В
Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localisation of leaks
Check of a condition and replacement of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases
Check and replacement of spark plugs
Replacement of a brake liquid, prorolling of brake system
Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts and hinges карданного a shaft
Check of working capacity of lighting devices, horn and the heater fan
System EVAP check
Condition check, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
Check of a condition of the battery and care it
Replacement of a cooling liquid (ОЖ)
Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
Check and adjustment of a course of pedals of a working and lay brake
Check of boots of a lay brake
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Basic schemes of electric connections
Check of levels of liquids, the control of leaks
Irrespective of check intervals under the schedule do not suppose, that liquids followed under the car, such leaks specify in malfunction which should be eliminated immediately. |
Liquids are the integral component of systems of greasing, cooling, brake system, ГУР, and a windscreen washer. In view of the gradual expense and pollution of liquids in the course of normal operation of the car, it is necessary to replace them periodically. Add only the liquids corresponding to requirements of Specifications of the Head of Options and routine maintenance of the car.
At any check of level of a liquid the car should stand on an equal surface. |
Impellent oil
The visual control of leaks
At the greasy engine and the big expense of oil check up following places on presence of leaks:
- Open a cover маслозаливной mouths and check up consolidation on presence of cracks or damages.
- Lining of a cover of a head of cylinders.
- Lining of a head of cylinders.
- Lining of the oil filter: прилегание the filter to a flange.
- Drain stopper of impellent oil: a sealing ring.
- Pallet lining картера.
Epiploons of a cranked shaft.
As in the presence of leak oil extends on the big surface of the engine, its place at once to define difficult. For detection of leaks operate as follows:
- Wash out the engine for what close the generator and the block of safety locks a polyethylene package, spray the engine a usual cold cleaner and through short time wash out water.
- Interfaced surfaces and consolidations on the engine strew outside известью or talc.
- Check up level of impellent oil and if necessary add oil.
- On purpose to warm up oil make a trial trip on the car on distance about 30 km on a high-speed line. Viscosity разогретого oils will go down, and it will fast act in places of leaks.
- In summary investigate the engine, shining with its lamp, localise places of leaks and eliminate them.
Check and updating of level of oil
Check of level of impellent oil is made by means of measuring щупа, the engine located on one side (Components of an impellent compartment which are subject to regular service) see №6 on the illustrations. Щуп passes through a metal tube downwards, reaching a pallet bottom картера the engine.
Measurement of level of impellent oil should be made before start of the engine or not less than through 2 mines after its deenergizing.
If to start measurement of level of impellent oil right after engine deenergizings, the oil part remains in the top part of the engine and results of measurement will be erroneous. |
- Take щуп from directing and dry wipe its edge pure rags or a paper towel. Enter щуп up to the end back and again take it. The height of the site of an edge moistened with oil will correspond to oil level in the engine. This level should be between labels on щупе.
- For lifting of level of oil from the minimum label on щупе to maximum it is required about 1.5 l of oil. Do not suppose falling of level below the minimum label since oil starvation can lead to engine damage. On the other hand, overflow of the engine by oil (доливание above the maximum mark) can be the reason замасливания spark plugs, leaks of oil, failure of epiploons, and also damage каталитического the converter.
- To add oil, remove the cover of a jellied mouth located on a cover of a head of cylinders (Components of an impellent compartment which are subject to regular service) see №6 on the illustrations. After доливания some oil wait some minutes that oil level was stabilised, then pull out щуп and again check up level. If it is required, add still oils. If on a cover pollution are found out, wash out its gasoline. Close a cover of a mouth and turn it before click.
- Check of level of oil is the important preventive procedure and should be made as it is possible is more often, and also it is obligatory before each long trip. Constant excessive falling of level of oil specifies or in presence of its leaks through the damaged epiploons or ослабшие connections, or on its burning out (internal leaks through the worn out piston rings or through directing plugs of valves). Besides, it is necessary to pay attention and to a condition of the oil. If oil has dairy colour or in its structure it is possible to notice water drops, it specifies in possible infringement of tightness of a lining of a head of cylinders or crack presence in a head or the block of cylinders. In this case the engine should be repaired immediately. Each time at measurement of level of oil before edge rubbing щупа spend on it big and index hand fingers. If will be thus found out stuck on щуп particles of a dirt or metal particles, oil it is necessary to replace (see Section Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter).
Cooling liquid
Do not suppose antifreeze hit on a skin or on the painted surfaces of the car. If it nevertheless has occurred, immediately смойте antifreeze plentiful quantity of water. Antifreeze is extremely toxic, therefore do not leave it without supervision in the open container or spilt on a floor; or animals its sweet smell can involve children and they can drink it. |
Do not remove a cover of a jellied mouth of a broad tank or a cover of a radiator for check of level of a cooling liquid (ОЖ) before full cooling of the engine! |
Level and condition check
Car Lexus RX-300 is equipped by system of cooling with superfluous pressure of compensatory type. The plastic broad tank is located in an impellent compartment and connected by a hose to a radiator. In process of a warming up of the engine in the course of its work extending ОЖ fills a tank. At engine OZH cooling automatically arrives back in cooling system that provides maintenance of constant value of level ОЖ.
Check of level ОЖ in the tank should be made regularly, at least, every month, and also before each long trip. Level in the tank fluctuates depending on engine temperature. At the cold engine level ОЖ should be above a label LOW on the tank. In process of heating of the engine level should come nearer to a label FULL or exceeds it a little. If it not so, allow to the engine to cool down, then remove a cover from the tank and modify level ОЖ.
For filling of system of cooling apply necessarily a mix from water, antifreeze and means to protection against aluminium corrosion according to requirements of Adjustment and car routine maintenance.
If there is a necessity of filling of system of cooling for a way it is possible to apply pure water in the summer. Antifreeze can be added later, however as soon as possible. |
If level ОЖ quickly goes down, visually check up cooling system on leaks:
- Check up a condition of hoses and reliability of their fastening on the branch pipes, the damaged hoses and collars replace;
- Check up consolidation of a cover of a broad tank.
Cover (1) broad tanks and labels (2 and 3) on it |
If leaks it is not revealed, make check of tightness of a cover of a radiator, - pressure of its opening should make from 0.7 to 1.3 атм, a minimum – 0.6 атм.
It is necessary to check also condition ОЖ, - it should be concerning pure. If the liquid has brown or rusty colour, it it is necessary to merge, wash out system and to fill with its new mix. Even if ОЖ looks normally, entering into its structure ингибиторы corrosion in due course lose the efficiency, therefore ОЖ it is necessary to replace periodically.
For check of frost resistance ОЖ use ареометр.
Brake liquid
The brake liquid can damage eyes and the painted surfaces of the car, therefore be extremely cautious at the reference with it. Do not use a brake liquid which long time stood opened or which more than one year. The brake liquid has property to absorb a moisture from air that can worsen its properties and lead to dangerous loss of efficiency of brake system. Use only specified in Specifications of the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance of the car type of a brake liquid. Mixing of various types of liquids can lead to refusal of brake system. |
The tank of a brake liquid is in the left part of an impellent compartment, about its partition (Components of an impellent compartment which are subject to regular service) see №2 on the illustrations, and it is divided on two parts, everyone for the brake contour. The tank cover has a ventilating aperture which should not get littered. Transparent walls of the tank allow to observe of liquid level outside. For the control of level of a brake liquid there is a control lamp of low level of the brake liquid, located on a combination of devices (Controls and operation receptions see the Head). Nevertheless, it is recommended to check liquid level regularly.
Liquid level at the closed cover should be between marks MIN and MAX on tank walls. Watch that level did not fall below a mark MIN. |
- If level below admissible, at first wipe top of the tank and a cover pure rags to prevent dirt hit in system after cover removal. Add a liquid to the necessary level, but do not pour.
- While the tank cover is removed, check up a brake liquid and the tank on presence of pollution. If at it there are particles of a rust, a dirt or a water drop, it is necessary to replace a liquid.
- After addition of the tank to the necessary level make sure, that the cover is established exactly, in order to avoid leaks of a liquid and-or dirt hit.
- Liquid level in the main brake cylinder (ГТЦ) will fall slightly as a result of wear process of frictional overlays brake колодок. There is no necessity to add it until level remains near a label MIN; it will rise after replacement of overlays. Very low level can specify in deterioration brake колодок. Check up them on deterioration presence (the Section the General checks of brake system see).
- If level of a brake liquid constantly falls, immediately check up all system on presence of leaks. As a rule, the reason are the worn out caps in wheel cylinders. Survey brake lines, hoses and штуцерные connections together with supports, wheel cylinders and ГТЦ (Sections the General checks of brake system and Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localisation of leaks see).
- If at check of level of a liquid the tank appears is empty or nearly so is empty, the brake system is necessary for checking up on presence of leaks and to pump over (the Section Replacement of a brake liquid, prorolling of brake system) see.
Liquid of the hydraulic booster of a wheel (ГУР)
The site of the tank of hydraulic system of the amplifier of a steering is specified in the illustrations Components of an impellent compartment which are subject to regular service.
- Be passed on the car with a speed of 80 km/h within 20 minutes that the engine and a steering had normal operational temperature (nearby 80 hailstones.).
Level of liquid ГУР should be checked at once after an engine stop. |
- Liquid level should be between marks MIN and MAX, put on a lobby ("hot", with a label HOT) a scale on a tank wall, and should not fall below a mark MIN.
- Liquid level can be checked up and at its room temperature (1030 hailstones.) if the engine did not work within not less than 5 hours. In this case it is necessary to use labels on a back scale (with a label COLD) on a tank wall.
- If necessary add a liquid corresponding to requirements of Specifications of the Head of Options and routine maintenance of the car.
Do not shake up a liquid before system filling since air bubbles otherwise can be formed. A liquid fill in slowly to exclude formation of bubbles. Apply only a new liquid since even insignificant pollution can lead to system GUR failure. |
- After system filling start the engine and some times turn a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop that the system left air.
Requirement occurrence доливания specifies liquids ГУР in leaks in system. Check up system GUR in conditions HUNDRED. |
Liquid of automatic transmission (ATF)
Correctness of level ATF is one of critical operational parametres of the cars equipped АТ. Excessive falling of level ATF can lead to hydrotransformer proslipping whereas the excessive quantity of a liquid conducts to its foaming, to formation of leaks and is fraught with a transmission exit out of operation.
Check of level ATF should be made at разогретой to normal working temperature of transmission (7080 hailstones.).
It is not necessary to make check of level ATF right after car operation on high speeds, in the conditions of a city cycle in hot weather, or after trailer towage, - preliminary allow liquids to cool down within nearby 30 minutes. |
- Park the car on an equal horizontal platform with a firm covering, cock a lay brake. If the engine cold, start it and warm up to normal working temperature on single turns. At the working engine squeeze out a pedal of a working brake and serially spend selector AT lever through all positions, in summary, having returned it to position Р.
- Not suppressing the engine, take from a directing tube measuring щуп. Fingers remove from an edge щупа traces ATF and estimate its condition.
- Carefully wipe an edge pure rags and enter щуп back into directing tube, densely having planted a cover on a mouth.
- Again take щуп from a mouth and on length of the moistened site of a "hot" scale of an edge (with a mark HOT) define level ATF in картере transmissions. In case of need make corresponding updating, having added in transmission a liquid of a demanded grade through a funnel, - fill in ATF directly in a mouth of a directing tube measuring щупа.
- Add ATF in the small portions in stages, each time checking level.
- Simultaneously with level it is necessary to check as well condition ATF. If the liquid moistening the end of an edge щупа, has a dark red-brown shade, or smells as ashes, ATF it is necessary to replace (местополоджение a drain stopper Removal and installation of assemblage of valves AT) see in Section. In the absence of confidence of correctness of an estimation of a condition трансмиссионной liquids compare it on colour and a smell with fresh ATF.
Liquid of a washer of a windscreen
The liquid for windscreen washing is in the plastic tank on the right side in a forward part of an impellent compartment (Components of an impellent compartment which are subject to regular service) see №7 on the illustrations.
In areas with a temperate climate it is possible to fill system with usual water, but it is recommended to add in water means for washing of glasses. It is necessary to fill the tank no more, than on two third that there was a free space on a case of expansion of water at freezing. In areas with cold climatic conditions it is necessary to use special antifreeze for the windscreen washing, reducing a freezing point of a liquid which can be got in any shop of automobile accessories. Usually it is on sale in the concentrated or ready kind. The concentrated antifreeze mix with water according to the instruction of the manufacturer resulted on packing.